HIIT workouts; they're crrrrrrrrrrrazy.

8:05 PM

Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing swell.  Just wanted to quickly post about my workout today and for the past couple of days.

First off, I would like to mention that I do not have a set number of days I workout in a week.  I am very much in-tune with my body and if my body wants a break, I take a break.  Now, a break isn't sitting on my tush all day binge watching Netflix or youtube videos {if, if it is, I try to keep myself active while doing it by hula hooping or something}, but I will go on walks or do some yoga. Something to keep my body moving, if only just a bit.

In the past, I have tried to go by a set schedule; 5 workout days, 2 days off; 2 days on, 1 day off; etc, but so far I feel that being intuitive works the best for me.  I am able to rest a day or two if I really need it and jump in stronger and fiercer the next.

For example, it's Tuesday today and I didn't workout at all Sunday and I tried to force myself to workout yesterday but it just would not happen.  So I said screw it! And went to the BF's house instead {he's back home visiting family too! So blessed that we call the same place home!}  So, today I felt a bit better about working out and didn't have to force myself too hard.  I did an hour and 15 mins {NOT 100 and 15 mins...I'm not that insane!} of HIIT from this guy {thanks for kicking my ass Mill Hoy, you crazy bastard!}  It was one of his 1000 calorie workouts. I burned 868 cals and didn't finish the video cause I had to go hang out with my maam and brother.  Anywho, here's a little vid of me after the workout

The potato quality doesn't convey how soaked I was! Oh.my.god. I don't think I have ever sweat that much ever.  I might do another one of his videos tomorrow along with a strength workout that I am gonna try to convince the bro to do with me but we'll see...it will take some convincing since Jerry Springer will be on and of course that's way more important that working out ;)

Alright, I'm gonna go figure a workout for tomorrow then go to bed.

Catch ya'll on the flip side!

Stay true. Stay you. Stay vegan

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