What to do when you're sore from a workout

8:43 AM

So, yesterday I worked out for the first time in almost a week {I was on vacation!} and I am so sore! It was Abs and Thighs yesterday for the Blogilates January Calendar and today is Back and Butt day.

But there's one problem..I am SO SORE!  My abs and the sides of my butt are dying! Especially my abs...oh my god wtf did I do yesterday?!

Anyway, so I was thinking..is it okay to workout when I'm sore?  I would assume it is, only if it doesn't hinder my technique or is super uncomfortable.  And I'm not working my abs, so they'll be able to get a break.  I think that's the point of not working out when sore; to give your muscles a break.  Luckily, tomorrow is Dance Day! This calendar is planned super well.

So what do you guys do when you're sore?  Usually, I like to pamper myself-I do some yoga, take a bath, and massage my sore muscles with coconut oil.  So relaxing.

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