HaPpY nEw YeAr!!

9:46 AM

Well, hello there.
So, a new year, hmm?  How did 2013 go for you?  It was a whirlwind for me; money troubles, body images/depression issues, and my mom had multiple strokes that ended with her in the hospital for 2 weeks {and during Finals week, too, as if it's not stressful enough}.  But there was a bunch of good in 2013, too; I built strong relationships, I feel like I came out of my shell and learned to cope in uncomfortable situations, I’ve learned how certain foods make me feel physically and mentally {sorry, Bloom Bake Shop, your cupcakes are delicious but I just can’t eat 3 of them anymore!}, but most importantly, I think that I have a better relationship with myself.

I would like to touch on that, actually, as I think it is an important subject.

For the past maybe 8 years I have had a difficult relationship with my body and food.  I have suffered with Eating Disorders, Depression, Anxiety, {very} low self-esteem, and all of it only resulted in me hating myself.  Just last night I had a meltdown because I ate 3 very delicious treats from Bloom Bakeshop, took a nap, and when I woke up I felt physically exhausted and mentally unfocused.  I had a pounding, debilitating headache that seemed to affect everything; I was so damn grumpy, so irritable, and so sensitive. I cried for a good 20 minutes just because I felt so clouded.  It was a nightmare.
And then I realized; for the first time in years I wasn’t upset because of the fact that I ATE 3 WHOLE SUGARY, HIGH CALORIE TREATS, but I was aware of how they actually made my mind and body feel {and I didn't beat myself up for it}.  That to me is a revelation. I was in sync with my body and I felt really good about that.

I ended up having a really great New Year’s Eve despite the earlier meltdown, I ate a nice salad, some trail mix, and grapes for dinner and felt oh so much better for giving my body what it wanted and needed.

I just read an article by Cassey Ho where she stated:

"There is no point in being hungry, mad, and skinny"

That is about the wisest {is that a word?} piece of advice that can be given right now, and a great way to end this rant.

Before I do, though, I’d like to just mention one of my Resolutions; To find the Good in all the bad, and if possible, to never end up where there is some bad to find good in.
It’s kinda trippy, but I think it makes some sense; make the best choices in life, and if they end in troubles then do something about it…somewhat of a turn your frown upside-down sorta thing.
Of course, I have others that tie into this one like make good eating choices/habits, and workout to feel good, not necessarily to look good {because that will come}.

What are some of your Resolutions?

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