Dog Milk: Why Love One, But Not the Other?

8:01 PM

Hey FiT vEgAnS!!!

Today's post and tag-along video are rather somber. But oh so very worth talking about.
I will start by posing the question; Why Love One, But Not the Other?

So, this morning while browsing Reddit {as one usually does with their spare time} I stumbled across THIS post.  This post is titled Dog Milk and I was immediately like, say whaaa??  So, I read it.  The post, of course, was sickening.  Obviously people would be outraged at this.  I mean, DOG MILK?  That's inhumane!  We LOVE dogs!

But then I read the last three lines:

"Wait, did I say dogs? 

I meant cows.

 And I sat in silence until a light bulb flickered and I cried EUREKA!  Because I knew I just had to make a video on this.

Differences between dogs and cows {as quoted by Sean and friend}
  • One's a dog and ones a cow
  • Cows are a lot larger than dogs
  • Dogs have paws and cows have hooves
  • Grass for food vs grass for barfing
  • Dogs can smell real good
  • Cows moo.  Dogs can't do that.
  • Dogs and humans evolved together over thousands of years to co-depend on each other
  • We love one and eat the other <--{I threw this one in}
Alright, that's enough of that.  Now that we know the average male college graduate can tell the difference between a cow and a dog, let's discuss the similarities between the two:
  • They both have four legs
  • They both have two eyes and a nose
  • They both can bleed
  • They both cry out when in pain
  • They both love their kin
In all the ways that matter, dogs and cows {and chickens and lions and squirrels and humans} are exactly the same

So, why do we love dogs SO much, but we eat cows?

I unfortunately don't know the answer to this.  All I know is that it is happening and it NEEDS to stop.

This video aims at drawing attention to the hypocrisies of humans and how we need to stop playing favorites.  Would it be inaccurate for me to equate eating a cow or chicken over a cat or dog to racism? 

Why LOVE one , but not the other?

By now we should all know that animals feel pain.  So, why do we still intentionally hurt another living being?  How would you like to be taken from your family and skinned, boiled, or cut up alive?  It's NOT humane, people. 

I chose to NOT say this in my youtube video, but I have some very strong feeling about this subject.

There is NOTHING humane about murdering something.  You wouldn't murder your pet, would you?  You probably wouldn't even murder your own cow.  Am I right?  Would you cut off your own bacon from the pig?  Probably not.  But you would pay someone to do it for you?  Think about this.  Really THINK about this.  It's fucking sick.  You are not a kind person if you INTENTIONALLY know about the cruel practices of the meat, dairy, and eggs industries and STILL, despite knowing everything, you STILL eat that flesh, drink that puss filled slosh, you STILL continue to scramble up those eggs with a smile on your face.  That's just not right.  You are a monster.

Do I mean that?  Me, someone who tries to be so nice to others, who always tries to put others before herself, {and who really has way too much faith in humanity} do I really mean to say that people who eat meat, dairy, or eggs are monsters?  Well, yeah..kinda.  Especially if they know exactly what's going on.  Of course we all wanna think that our food animals have nice long lives before they are stripped of their milk, eggs, or flesh but they don't.  And god dammit even if they did why WHY would you want to take something away from them THAT DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU.  This is called speciesism, my friends.


A Mother's Love-Full Video originally posted on this youtube channel.
This video is one of the saddest videos I have ever seen.  It's not gruesome or gory.  It's just sad.

Milk Mystery story


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