Still no Vlogmas vlogs. SERIOUSLY?!

7:33 PM


But I promise it's NOT because I don't want to!!!

First, I recorded a video for the best damn oil-free fries Friday morning, planning to edit and upload that night when I got to my parent's house and GUESS WHAT??!  The internet didn't work.  So that was cool.

That night I planned out a super crazy HIIT workout hoping to get it filmed and uploaded the next morning IF the internet worked.  And oh happy days, the internet was back on that morning. Woo!!  So, I filmed half-way into the HIIT workout when I realized that my tripod could have been in a way better spot for filming in my parent's very cramped bedroom.  So I paused the video and moved the tripod and when I went to comence filming I noticed that I FREAKIN DELETED THE VIDEO!!!  uuuuggghhh.

But all was not lost because I still had another 30 minutes in the workout so I just modified and recorded the last 30 minutes and it was a really good workout!  I was so proud!  {This is when the but comes in..} But, I learned that dropbox wont hold a 30 min video and I was not able to email the file to myself because it was too big AND for some stupid reason, when I tried to trim it on my phone I was told that the file was too big to be trimmed!  What?  Now does that make sense to anyone?!

So, honestly, I just said fuck it and didn't upload a video for a couple days.  Not to mention my car was dying and I had to take it to the shop twice and blah blah whine whine feel bad for me! :/

Anywho, I've been taking some long, deep breaths and listening to some super groovy tunes {which I will link below because I love it THAT much} and I've just created a workout so hopefully-cross your fingers-I can get the ball re-rolling on this vlogmas thang tomorrow.

Amoral-Rude Awakening
I'm sure I will post more on them at some point because they're pretty great.  I don't wanna brag, but I've actually interviewed one of the guitarists! 

I have a bit of a strange quote for your guys today.
"I write almost all my songs on an acoustic guitar, even if they turn into rock songs, hard rock songs, metal songs, heavy metal songs, really heavy songs... I love writing on an acoustic because I can hear what every string is doing; the vibrations haven't been combined in a collision of distortion or effects yet." -Corey Taylor
Think about this quote in how it relates to you and your life.  I thought about everything that attributes to stress in my life and how individually, they can be little mishaps that are rather insignificant, but together they result in a lot of harm to my mind and body.
Also, think about this quote in terms of health and fitness.  Think about each thing you can do to embrace a healthy lifestyle; eat more fruits and veggies, less processed meat and dairy and eggs, go on more walks, lift weights, smile to yourself in the mirror {to maintain/promote a healthy mind+body relationship.}  Each guitar string makes it's own vibration when strummed that encompasses a beautiful song.  
To summarize a rather lengthy metaphor; The strings are the healthy lifestyle choices and you are the beautiful song.  
Am I reading too much into this quote?

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  1. I loved the quote and the analysis! It never would've occurred to me to interpret it in the way that you did. I also think you can never read into a quote to much. You read into it exactly whatever you need to at the time you read it. In this way I think literary analysis is a more beneficial tool to learning about yourself than learning about a text.


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