So What?! Saturday + TFVs attempt at vlogging

9:07 PM

I'll get the hang of it, eventually

Welp, there it is, my first vlog.  It just covers the span of half a day, but it was just kind of a test-run of sorts.  I'll figure it out soon enough.

On to what I reeaally wanted to talk about today.  It's the first installment of...

So What?! Saturday
Today's topic: Feeling guilty for eating.

I will start off with an example for you guys.  So, today I went out to eat with S to Red Robin {yum} and, instead of getting my usual Boca burger patty with tomatoes in a lettuce wrap with a side of {super amazing bottomless} sweet potato fries, I got the house salad {sans cheese and croutons} with lemon wedges as a dressing. Oh, and of course:

Were they low fat? Absolutely not.  But So What?!  They were delicious and I savored every amazing mouthful.  Besides, I go out to eat maybe once or twice a month {at the very most} and I eat a relatively healthy diet the majority of the time.  

But here comes the kicker...because I have been conditioned from a very young age to instantly want {need} dessert when I go out to eat, I felt like some vegan ice cream.  S was so not feeling the sweet thing, which is so absurd to me, but he was super full and I couldn't kick my craving so I did it: I bought some vanilla Soy Dream AND peanut butter Oreo's and mixed the two together in a sickly sweet crunchy swirl that was heaven in a bowl.  And instantly felt guilty about it.
Why did I have to get dessert?
Why did I have to get TWO desserts?
Why couldn't I have found something "better" for me {which, honestly, probably means gluten-free and that doesn't necessarily=healthier}
I questioned my decisions incessantly, but really, so I enjoyed something sweet. So What?! So it was higher in fat. So What?!  

You slipped up and ate some cheese, drank some milk, ate a Big Mac? As long as you realize how it made you feel after you ate it, both physically and emotionally, then So What?!  There will always be another day, another meal.  Slip ups happen, and that is okay.  {All I ask is that you remember why you went vegan in the first place. Why were you interested in taking the step?  Remember this answer for any time you need some gentle guidance.}

You didn't workout today?  So What?!  Enjoy your day off and get at it tomorrow!  Besides, the break helps muscles grow {if you fuel your body well} and you'll be able to super beastmode the gym tomorrow!

What I learned is that it is completely, 1,000,000% okay to enjoy something decadent and it is so okay to not feel guilty about it.  But, if ever you do, tell yourself: So F****** What?!

Lyrics are very much NSFW. Listen at your own risk. 

 Well, thanks for reading So What?! Saturday.

Enjoy the rest of your day-or, in my case, night.  And I will talk at you guys soon!


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