Day 2 of 30-Day Squat and Poetry Challenge

7:14 PM

This will be a very boring post today; just an update.  

Day 2- Who was the last person you texted? Write a five line poem to that person.

You will be beautiful on your wedding day
that I know for sure.
But I can't help feel somewhat jealous of you
Because you are getting married
and I will just be in the background.

I'll be honest, it's a shitty poem, but Futurama is on and I didn't feel much of a connection to the prompt, anyway.  I do really want to do this challenge, but it is proving difficult when I have all this packing to do and what not

{My last text was "ABBIE I FORGOT TO RSVP FOR YOUR WEDDING SHOWER!!! What should I do??"  So this poem was to her.  It's not something I would ever really want her to see, though.}

Alright, on to the workout of the day!

I started with {surprise, surprise} Back Squats!
10@75lbs, 10@80lbs, 5@105lbs, 5@115lbs, 3@125lbs, 3@125lbs, 3@130lbs, 1@135lbs, 1@140lbs, 1@145lbs

Then on to dead lifts. The plan called for the same sets and reps as squats, but I felt like that was too much volume for the time limit I had so I narrowed it down to:
5@95lbs, 5@115lbs, 3@125lbs, 3@135lbs, 1@145lbs, 1@155lbs

Then, I super-setted
Seated Cable Rows 3x10
Glute Kickbacks 3x12each leg

It doesn't seem like a lot of different exercises, and that's because it's not!  But, this took an hour and 10 minutes and I felt pooped afterwards!  I do't think I feel worn-out from squats two days in a row.  But ask me in a week and that answer might be very, very different!

I'm gonna go snack on some cherries, now! Mmmm cherries


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