Squat Everyday + 30 Day Poetry Challenge Day 1 Week 1

9:10 PM

Hey guys!

I will be uploading videos {possibly...though for some reason my computer is taking its sweet time to do anything nowadays} and blogging for 30 days as part of the Squat Everyday 4 week challenge.

The link to the routine is here.

Cory Gregory, the guy who designed it, is a little wacky {if you watch his full promo video, you'll know what I mean} but you can tell that he works hard and is passionate about what he does, so that's cool by me.

Also, aside from doing this 30 day Squat er'day thing, I will also be participating in a 30 Day Poetry Challenge to spice things up a bit {and to kick my ass into high gear}

Here is a link to the challenge questions.

Day 1- Write a poem where each line starts with a letter from your first name (an acrostic). It can be about anything, but it should not be about you or your name.

I wish I was making this up.

A cow
grazes on
gummy worms
in the slaughter house. 

Welp, there is it, the first of the 30 Day Poetry/Squat Challenge.  
Oh, yes, but here is the video:

Fun Facts about todays video:
  • I kept messing with my sports bra because I wear a HR monitor and it kept falling down.
  • The power went out at  because of the storm
  • The camera was angled strangely in some shots at about a 15 degree slant to the right, because of this it looks like I am not squatting parallel.  In the future {like tomorrow, possibly} I will try to find a better spot to set the camera so I can better tape my form.  It's probably still not perfect, though.  I'm always improving.
  • It's really hard to condense over an hour long workout into less than 10 minutes

Thanks for watching/reading!  Talk at you guys tomorrow!


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  1. Wow that's really brave of you to take your camera into the gym and videotape yourself! I don't think I could do that lol. Also for a good while I didn't realize that the video was sped up, so I was like, "it must be electro/Alvin and the Chipmunks music day"... but I eventually got it. :D


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