New vlog? + possibly bad news

10:27 AM

Hey guys! I am working on a new vlog that I will be posting either on here or on youtube soon!

But, I also have some bad news.

This might turn into a rather lengthy story...

I bruise easily

Right thigh
Right thigh again
Right shin

I have no idea how I got any of these bruises.  The one on my shin, I am assuming is from moving, but the ones all over my thigh just showed up today.  So, naturally, I turn to the interwebs to figure out wtf is going on.  I found a website that basically said it could be a bunch of things: hemophilia, cancer, diabetes, or, ya know, just nothing. But, because diabetes runs in my family, I decided to check my fasting blood glucose levels.  106.  A normal range is anything less than 100.  So, because my level was between 100 and 125, I am, aparently, pre-diabetic.  Yeah, my level was still pretty low for pre-diabetes, but I'm still scared.  My grandpa lost his leg to diabetes.  I don't wanna loose my leg.

Honestly, I'm thinking this is because of all the high sugary and high fat foods I have been enjoying {and boy, have I been enjoying them!} lately.  Like, two nights ago I went to Ian's Pizza and then to The Chocolate Shoppe where I had a yummy vegan pizza slice and super good soy ice cream.  And then last night, in celebration of National Cake Day, S, his cousin A, and I made this beauty:
That's a cake.

And I had that for dinner...So, quite honestly, that could have contributed to the high blood levels, but I had the cake around 9pm and was tested {fasting} at 10am, so there was a significant time gap in between.

Am I freaking myself out? Of course.  But, I do think I need to lay off the super fatty treats for a while.  And if I want ice cream, I can make some delicious nana ice cream!  

Today, I am gonna focus on eating lots of veggies and will be testing my levels again later tonight, so I will post an update either today or tomorrow.  And then tomorrow morning, I will retake my fasting levels to see what it is then.

Alright, I'm gonna go workout at home for mabe 30-60 mins.  Later tonight I am going to the gym to do day 9 of the squat challenge.  Oh, yeah, I stopped with the poetry.  I used to love writing poetry so much, but I just haven't been motivated at, sorry for anyone who enjoyed my lil poems.  They weren't much at all, so I thought it would be fine that I stopped.

Alright, I will update you guys later.

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