Week 2 Day something of challenges

10:40 AM

You guuuuuuuuys I missed a couple of days!  Ugh, I know, I'm the worst!

That means I have to report on days 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7...and do all those poems. But

I rather be sleeping or eating
So I think I'm just gonna pretend like I never took a little poetry hiatus.

Oh, but I should point out that besides Thursday, I haven't skipped squats since I started Monday.  So that's cool!

Also, I got a squat and deadlift PR today!! 150lbs {for both.  I know, my squats and deads are the same..}  pretty happy with the 5lb progress, though.  It's something at least!!

Anywho...Iiiiiiiiiits Poetry Tiiiiiime {get it? Like, Adventure Time? huh? HUH?}

Day 3{ish}- Find the nearest book (of any kind). Turn to page 8. Use the first ten full words on the page in a poem. You may use them in any order, anywhere in the poem.
Hot oil is the key to crunchy fried chicken, but {found in my mother's Cooks Country magazine}

Creamy milk is the key to smooth mashed potatoes, 
but calves' bones peek through their hides.
A bit of water is the key to splatter-proof bacon, 
but the swine are boiled alive.
Hot oil is the key to crunchy fried chicken, 
but the chicken was shackled upside down
A golden-brown turkey is the key to Thanksgiving,
but its feathers were never saved.

My friend over at Taylor's Pages posts a quote every Monday. So as a shout-out to her, I am going to post this quote for today:

"Like fillies, they jump and buck, overjoyed with their first feel of freedom. Then, suddenly, they collapse and cannot get up. They can only lie there, trying to breathe, their bodies racked with pain from abuse and neglect on the factory farms."

This quote was found in a PETA article {now, I don't really like PETA for various reasons, but this article was a very important, very heartfelt read} and is referring to the pigs post-transport to the slaughterhouse when they are herded out of the trucks and, despite being severely weakened from the trip, they are so overjoyed to not be in such a small, stuffy space that they actually run around.  Unfortunately, though, not for long as their legs often give out on them and they collapse.  And then they are shot with a bolt to the head, often times not dying, and then boiled alive.  All for a meal for us humans.

I'm sorry for ending a post like this, especially when I haven't been writing as much, but I just get so saddened when I really think about what goes on behind slaughterhouse walls.  It sickens me.  So, I must go.  I will hopefully post more tomorrow.  I have a few videos I'm working on for the next couple of posts, so I'm gonna work on those later today.
Talk at you guys later.

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