An Extremely Brief Check-In + Give Yourself a Break!

6:52 PM

Hey there Fit Vegans!

Today marked the start of the last weekend of Fall semester.  Say what!?  I feel like it went by so quickly!

I have a history of anxiety, so when crunch-time rolls around, I make sure to dedicate some time to myself to unwind and relax a bit, which usually means working off all that pent-up anxiousness.  And that's just what I did today!  Actually, because I've been so busy I hadn't worked out in THREE WHOLE DAYS!  Ahh, I know!  So, I was way too ready to jump {literally} back into working out.  Here's what I did today when I had a little window between classes and studying to get my sweat on!

Round 1: 40sec Jumping Jacks/Jump Rope/High Knees, 20sec Varying Arm Exercises:

  • Push ups
  • Dips
  • Arm Circles Forward
  • Pike Push ups
  • Push ups
  • Dips 
  • Pike Push ups
  • Arm Circles Backwards
  • Push ups
  • Dips
Round 2: 40sec Varying Leg Exercises, 20sec Jumping Jacks/Jump Rope/High Knees :
  • Lateral Jumps
  • Pop Squats
  • Right Leg Dead Lift Hops
  • Left Leg Dead Lift Hops
  • Squat Jumps
  • Side Squat Lunge
  • Right Leg Down Dog Hops 
  • Left Leg Down Dog Hops 
  • Plie Squat Jumps
  • Frog Hops

I just ran through those 2 rounds once, but if I had more time I would have loved to do them twice through.  They went really fast!

Alright, I'm gonna go back to studying. Blech.

First, though, a tip that I've learned through the years:  Take breaks when studying.  Trust me, I totally get that we just want to power through and get the studying over with, but how much of that information that you just skimmed over is gonna stick?  What I have learned instead is to take my time and then every hour I take a break.  I get up, grab some water, do a couple burpees and some yoga moves, check my phone {I know, so tranquil}, then get back to studying.

Or, write a blog post :-P

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