Vlogmas Day 9: 30minutes 300calories LET'S DO THIS!

6:33 AM

^^DAY 9?!?! But Mags, you've skipped a couple of days!  Ah yes. Indeed, I did. Unfortunately it is unrealistic for me to be coming out with a video every.single.day.
I have a plan:
I will be blogging every day from here on out.  Mostly about things like what I've been eating and what I've been doing for workouts.  And, depending on how creative I'm being lately I will post other fun things as well like Tips/Tricks for staying vegan in a predominantly non-vegan world! {I do have a fun rant coming out for you guys soon so be on the lookout for that!}
am I doing this?  Well I've had so much difficulty trying to create videos and upload them that it had begun to take up HOURS {like, literally hours, you guys.  We are talking 6-7 hours of editing and trying to upload and re-upload and re-re-upload} of my time that could be spent on homework and other probably far more productive things.

While I really like to create videos-it's fun to see how I can improve, plus it's an AMAZING way to spread the Fit Vegan message, uploading everyday is just not practical right now.
I do have a workout video for you guys today!  It's not great. Be patient with me, I'm still learning!

Here's the format:
Round 1-50 on, 10 off
  • 2 Up, 2 Down Squats
  • Front Lunges
  • Plie Squats
  • Good Mornings
  • Side Lunges
  • 4 Up, 4 Down Squats
  • Right Leg Deadlifts
  • Back Lunges
  • Left Leg Lunges
  • Curtsy Lunges
Round 2-20 on, 10 off ABAB
  • A: 3-Point Jump Squats
  • B: Burpees
  • A: Right Leg Down Dog Hops
  • B: Left Leg Down Dog Hops
  • A: Right Leg Lunge Jumps
  • B: Left Leg Lunge Jumps
  • A: Pendulum Swings
  • B: Pop Squat Crosses
  • A: Right Leg Jumps
  • B: Left Leg Jumps
Round 3-Pulsemania 50 on, 10 off
  • Narrow Bridge Pulses
  • Left Leg Plank Lifts
  • Right Leg Plank Lifts
  • Squat Pulses
  • Wide Bridge Pulses
  • Left Leg Fire Hydrants
  • Right Leg Fire Hydrants
  • Plie Pulses
  • Butterfly Bridge Pulses
  • Left Leg Bridge Holds
  • Right Leg Bridge Holds

Let me know what you guys think so I can improve the videos in the future!

"The ones who 
                  are crazy enough to think 
                                                   they can change the world, 
                                                                                      are the ones who do."
-Steve Jobs 

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