Vegan Vlogmas 2-What I Eat

8:26 PM

Dear god..

It's 10pm and I am FINALLY home!!  Because of lack of time {but not for lack of caring} I am just getting to posting this blog post.  The video has been up on youtube since like 2, though.

So, what's today's video about anyway?   Oh, thanks for asking!

Today's video is a little {7 minute...} peek into how I eat as a vegan. Hope you enjoy it!

I've gotten the question of what type of vegan I am {raw, raw till 4, junkfood, fruitarian, starch-solution, etc} and my answer to that question is that I don't really adhere to any one diet other than a vegan diet.  I eat plenty of raw fruits and veggies, starches, and some junk food sometimes  {I'm snacking on giant hard pretzels dunked in peanut butter right now!}

I've tried being all raw, I've tried the raw-till 4 thing but labels don't work for me.  Honestly, they just give me anxiety because when I don't follow the strict label, then I tend to beat myself up.  And I don't want that.  Over the years I have learned to listen to my body.  When my body wants fruit I eat fruit, when my body wants rice I make rice.  And when my body wants some ice cream that isn't made out of bananas, then I get some damn vegan ice cream and I don't worry about it! 
I high suggest this method!

Stay tuned for the next 29 days because I will be uploading some pretty wicked and pretty noob videos {I know, I know, so exciting!}

Our bodies communicate to us 
clearly and specifically, 
if we are willing to listen to them.
-Shakti Gawain

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