Merry Christmas and a Happy New Video Coming Out Soon!

6:39 PM

Hoppy Halidays Fit Vegans!

It's been super crazy what with the end of the semester and aaaaaaall the gift buying.  Oh, oh so many gifts to buy!  I think I love giving gifts more than I do getting them.  I think I feel just as much anticipation when I give a gift as someone who is opening a gift I got them! I get the warm fuzzies.

I love warm fuzzies.

Christmas 2015 marks my 4th Christmas as a vegan.  It was hard at first.  There was so much pressure from family members to "just try the ham" and "take a day off from the diet."  They didn't understand that this "diet" wasn't a fad diet.  They couldn't understand that I did not want to try the holiday ham and I did not want a bite of grandma's pecan pie, even though it was once my favorite. 

Fortunately now, my "diet" has grown on them and instead of trying to force me to put a pad of butter in my mashed potatoes, they commend me for sticking with what I believe in. 

In fact, my grandpa surprised me and talked to the chef at the retirement home about making me something vegan!  It was a lovely surprise!  Was the food fantastic?  No. It was actually just okay {it was absolutely drenched in oil, and that's just yucky} but the fact that my grandfather had the chef make me something to eat because he knew I wouldn't be able to eat with them was so selfless and so sweet.  Oh, warm fuzzies.

So, I have ideas for videos that I want to make.  Like, a ton actually.  I think I am going to have to make a plan for myself.  I'm thinking of coming out with two videos a week, but I still need to think of the days.  One will be vegan-themed and the other will be fitness-themed {with possibly a sprinkling of vlogging and other stuff in there, too..}

I actually took my camera along with tripod into the gym with me and filmed a Workout video...but then accidentally subconsciously? deleted it. Oops.  But, I promise, I will be making more!!  Also, Taters requested a Holiday addition of Vegan At...and I let her down and didn't blog nor make a video on it.  Oops, again.  Is it too late?  I mean, Christmas is practically over, but family is still in town I would presume.  Maybe that will be my next video?

Alright, enough chit chat! Go and enjoy the next few hours of Christmas and I will see you all very soon I hope!

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