Nagna Yoga Secret

6:12 PM

Good morrow fellow fauna friends!

I would like to share what I have been doing for the past few days, why I have been doing it, and what benefits {if any} I have experienced.

So, I'll tell you my dirty little secret dirty little secret Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret just another regret My dirty little secret... ugh, I'm sorry, I haven't heard that song in years, I don't know why I still remember it.

 I have been doing Nagna yoga.

What is Nagna yoga you may ask?

Naked yoga. ooooooo how scandalous  

Basically, I was doing some yoga and it got increasingly hot in the room and I didn't want to sweat at that moment so I took my pants and shirt off so I was just in my bra and undies.  I have a full length mirror that I happened to look in.  I was in Warrior 2 and I remembered seeing something about people doing yoga naked and so I did it.  I removed my undergarments and continued to practice yoga...naked.

It was so empowering to rid myself of all the burdens and restraints of everyday life.  Each breath brought me closer and closer to nirvana.  Cliche', I know, but it was true.  I had never felt that peace about myself before.  I feel like I am healed. Mostly.  Yeah, sure, sometimes I feel a little shitty {for lack of a better word} about myself, but as I quickly glanced in the mirror in all my naked glory, the bits and pieces of muscle poking out of my skin, the lumps and bumps on my upper thighs, my rounded belly, I saw myself for what I truly am: a kind, compassionate, beautiful woman. 

 Adrienne's first in her Yoga Challenge series

What are your thoughts on Nagna Yoga?  Have you tried it? Will you? I encourage everyone to try something a little weird today.  Get out of the comfort of your zone and try something different!
Have a wonderful day!

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