Back from the grave with new ideas!! "Vegan At..." series

7:05 AM

Hey guys!  So, S's brother is getting married tomorrow {woo weddings!!!} so I thought I would document the day not only for memories and whatnot, but to show everyone that you can be vegan in any situation!

So, this will be the first installment of Vegan At...

To give a little background, the I am in the wedding {just had to throw that out, I'm so excited!!}, it's at Devils Head resort in Baraboo, WI.  It is helpful that they know I am vegan so myself, S's vegan cousin, and S's vegetarian sister will get vegan meals! We are so spoiled.  But even if your family despises the fact that you are vegan, I will be coming up with ways/tips for you to survive at a wedding for a weekend!

So, the rehearsal is tonight, wedding tomorrow, and we are coming back home Sunday.  I will be documenting the entire weekend, so stay tuned for...

Vegan At... a Wedding!! 


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