Vegan (at..) on an Anniversary

4:10 PM

Hi guys! So I just wanted to make a quick little post about today because...

It's my anniversary! S and I have been together for a decade.  Woo, milestones!

I wish that I could have remembered to bring my camera along to document, but I wouldn't be me if I didn't forget.

So, let's see, I woke up early today to do a really {really} quick home workout of:
10 Narrow Squats*
5 Pushup Burpees
10 Narrow Squats + Back Leg Raise
5 Pushup Burpees
10 Regular Squats*
5 Pushup Burpees
10 Squats + Side Leg Raise
5 Pushup Burpees
10 Plie Squats*
5 Pushup Burpees
10 Narrow Squat Jumps
10 Squat Jumps
10 Plie Squat Jumps
*I filled my backpack with books and used that as a weight

We had a quick smoothie for Breakfast:
Frozen Nanas
Frozen Strawberries
Chocolate Almond Milk
Scoop of Peanut Butter

Then we left to go to:
The History Musum At The Castle

There was a sweet Houdini exhibit where some of his secrets were revealed.  That was neat.  After the museum we were super hungry so we went to:

Hu Hot  for Lupper.
S and I both went up to the buffet twice. For any of those wondering, no I do not avoid places like this.  Yes, I am vegan and yes, I care about the animals.  I watched them wipe away the area after each time they cooked someone's food.  I am completely fine with them cooking a big plate of meat, wiping it away when it is done and then cooking up my veggies and noodles because I am still not contributing to the exploitation of animals.  Yes, I would be concerned if there were chunks of flesh in my food, but there weren't. And all was well.

Linner was really good, but we {mostly me} wanted something sweet after.  I heard from some friends about a cafe in downtown Appleton that has vegan soy ice cream.  And while I don't usually eat soy, I was excited because I could have my ice cream and S could have his and it would be great.  But when we got there, the only vegan flavor was Blue Moon.  Ugh.  I don't understand the hype of Blue Moon ice cream.  So we left :(

And now we are home and I'm kinda sad that there are no more fun activities planned.  I think we are gonna decorate the house for Halloween and then watch a movie.  I need to do some homework, too. Blech.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!


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