Vegan At...A Wedding!

4:43 PM

So, your aunt Sal is finally getting married and oh boy isn't it a happy time?  But wait, you have to travel for the whole weekend?  What are you going to eat?  Will there be food for you at Sal's wedding?  Surely there won't because Sal can't stand that you're vegan.

Mail's here! Oh look it's aunt Sal's invitation

Of course you're gonna attend, she is your family after all.  But, hold up now, is that just chicken and beef you can choose from?  Really, Sal?  Your sister Betsy is a vegetarian, you know.  I'm not the only one out there.

So you call her up

But, it is her wedding and you ultimately gotta do what the bride says, so you just go along with it because despite her naivety, you love her.

But you don't want to starve this weekend, either.  So what do you do?  BYOFood! And lots of it!
Is it ideal?  Of course not, but we do what we have to, right?

Alrighty, here is what I was able to document from the wedding weekend.  Enjoy the commentary!!

 These are the presents for the bride and groom.  S's parent's gifts are the two bottom ones and yes, mine and S's is wrapped in Shopko ads and strips of actual wrapping paper.  Don't judge. {And for those wondering, the card read: Something Something weddings, Something Something here's your present.}
My backpack with more food than clothing.  Literally just apples and oranges, though.  Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the other food that was brought but S's mom who is super supportive and helpful packed me a bunch of chips, bagels, PB, and more fruit which all came in very handy!

The groomsmen rehearsing for the big day. S was standing in a Batman pose cause he had a Batman shirt on {yes, he is an adult} and someone said something about looking like an idiot. So he's sad.

Fish in a basin

My salad at the reception dinner:
Iceberg lettuce
Precisely 3 spinach leaves
4 very squishy cherry tomatoes
black olives
summer squash
I know how much this looks like meat, it's actually kinda gross how much it does.  But it tasted okay, even though it was drenched in oil.

 The hotel room.  

 Me.  In the reflection of a window.

 Smack dab in the middle of getting my hair did.  The curled it, even though my hair is curly anyway, just to make sure the curl stays.  Not like it really mattered much, though since they put it up.

Ugh, I debated on whether or not I should put this picture up.  I am going to be very very honest for a sec.  I feel sick when I look at this picture.  I feel like I look like a huge, hideous monster.  I know, I know, it's insane.  But my eyes are focused on that giant arm and I am having a very hard time letting that go.  I posted this picture, though, to show that I am like any other woman.  I have lumps and bumps that I want desperately to hide, but I will hide no longer.  This is me, world. Take it aaaaall in.

 The gorgeous bride in her princess dress.  Look at how happy she is!!!!!!!!!

 There was a breakfast buffet the day after the wedding.  This is what I could have.  It looks so much better than it tasted {like 5 day old pineapple, if anyone was wondering}

Mr. and Mrs. Newlyweds!!!

Overall, it was quite the experience.  I danced, laughed, cried, and food didn't matter that much.  In the end, no one cared when I smuggled a bagel into breakfast or when I ran  hobbled back to the room in my heels right before the ceremony to shove an apple in my face because everyone had beef sticks to munch on and I was running on water all afternoon.

Oofda, I'm done for now, folks {aren't you so happy?}
<3 TFV

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