Vegan Grocery Haul

1:40 PM

Hey FiT vEgAnS!!!

Here is the outline of my grocery hall.  The fruits and veggies will last me about a week, but the specialty items like the coconut sugar, vegan milk, raisins, and sunflower seeds will last 2+ weeks.
    3 heads of green leaf
    2 heads red leaf
    2 heads of kale
    2 bunches cilantro
    15.83lbs bananas**
    1 carton of Strawberries
    2 bags of frozen strawberries
    2 bags frozen peas
    2 bags frozen corn
    Sweet potatoes
    5lb bag red potatoes
Sunflower seeds
Coconut sugar
Italian style bread
Chocolate cashew milk
Total: ~$55

**I usually buy more bananas, but the store didn't have any discounted ripe ones like they usually do :(

I also typically spend around $40 weekly on groceries and like I mentioned above, some of the items will last longer than the rest.  It is also important to note that I do have food at home like peanut butter, jelly, oats, and spices {garlic salt and smoked paprika are my favorite.}  So this is not all the food that I eat in a week.

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