New Workout Videos

9:20 PM

Hey FiT VeGaNs!

Life has been getting in the way as of late; I've had exam after exam after exam and zero time to record any videos.  But, I FINALLY have so here are two {granted, very short} lil videos.  The first is a quick warm up, and the second a 100 rep Squat Challenge.  Here are a list of the squats, each done for 10 reps:

1-Ski Squat Kicks
2-Side Kick Squats
3-Duck Walks
4-Plie Touchdowns
5-Squat Lunge Touchdowns
6-Sissy Squats
7-3 Point Squat Jumps
8-6 Second Squats
9-Sissy Ski Squat Extensions
10- Squat Jumps Pulses

Also lol I totes noticed my spelling error at the end of the video: "These videos are so good they'll knock you socks off!" ahahahahaha.  welp, too late to fix it now!

Hopefully I can record another video this weekend.  I have a couple in mind that I would like to make, but we'll see!  Maybe I'll do another workout challenge, OR maybe a WIEIAD video...hmm........

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