Oh why hello again! + Holding myself accountable + what's new

2:11 PM

So it's been over a year since I've last posted anything...how embarrassing. {Did ya miss me?} I wish I could say that I'm back and I'm here to stay! But, I don't know if I can do that...I would like to keep a blog consistently, but it hasn't worked out thus far.  Hopefully it won't be another year and a half till I post something else...

Getting to the good stuff {?}, though, this post will be a catch-up!  I've discovered a bunch of new stuff and gotten into so many good habits in the past year that I'm eager to share. So here it goes!

First-off, diet: still vegan {that's not gonna change} and still high-raw.  Hmm is there anything new here? Oh, I've been drinking a lot of TEA!! And, the best part is I've gotten S into drinking it as well in place of soda {his one, true love}.

Fitness:  I've been lifting 3-5 times a week. Currently my stats are:
Overhead Press:55lbs
As you can very clearly see, my upper body lifts are WAAAAAY behind. But that's a-okay with me, at least I'm making progress, albeit, slow progress.
Now that is it SUMMER, I will have more time to spend working out!!  I'm in the process right now of making up a 6-day upper/lower body split focusing on upping lifting weight and gaining strength.  I'll post the routine when it's done, but it will be 3 upper and 3 lower body days alternated with light weight, med weight, and heavy weight days. 
Aside from lifting, I've also been really getting to running.  I was never, ever a runner. Actually, in gym class, I always had my period when we had to run the mile. Eventually, my male gym teach caught on when I had my period for an entire month and made me get my lazy ass off the bleachers and run. So I walked. I was a defiant little sucker.  But, I've really gotten into running the past few months.  I'm up to running ~5k.  Yeah, sure, that isn't much for most runners, but I'm working on it, okay?!  
Lastly, I'm focusing on devoting some me-time to a nice yoga practice.  It hasn't been consistant since I've been so busy with school, but now that that's over for a few months, I'm expecting to become as bendy as Kino MacGregor:

Before I sign-off to go for a run, I wanted to breifly list my goals:
  • Gain strength-Increase lifts ~20 in 6 weeks
  • Gain flexibility-I'll write a post all about flexibility later
  • Devout more time to activism-More on this one later, too
  • And, for vanity's sake, I want to lose some fat-Roughly 2-5% this summer.  Or, really, whatever.  Since I'm not looking to loose weight at all, this number doesn't have to change much.  I would just like to become more svelt.
Oh.my.god, for your sake, I hope I'm done rambling on for today...

See ya'll in another year ;)

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