My Vegan Story + Irrelevant Chris Pratt prank

8:47 PM

Hi guys!

As I was on my way out for a run today I realized that my ipod was dead. Bummer. So, I just decided to fudge it and go for a run without music.  On my run {~2.5 miles since I only had half an hour today}, I reflected on my past 5 years as a vegan.  Then I thought, I might as well tell you all a long-winded Vegan story...

 **warning, this post may be triggering for anyone who is suffering or has suffered with disordered eating.  I can write a post more about that if people would like, but for now I would just like to say that if you are triggered by people's stories of EDs {even though this is very much a story with a happy ending}, please just skip this post. It's not worth it to bring up any bad feelings**

In high school {I graduated in 2010, for reference}, I suffered with depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.  My therapist classified it as EDNOS-Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified  {I can write more about this later, but for the sake of this post, I do not want to go into more detail}.  As a way to lose weight, I started eliminating some food groups.  Meat was the first to go.  Because I was so emotionally unstable and vulnerable, I relapsed quite a few times.  I would eat meat and feel terrible about myself. Then I would binge on sweet treats because why the hell not? I already effed up once.  Then, I officially went back to eating meat {for the time being}.  I continued to be an emotional wreck, I continued to hurt myself physically, I continued to abuse myself with food.  Then, I decided after doing some research on the health benefits of eliminating meat, to do it one more time.  At this time, I was on my last year of high school and so sick of being sick.  So I became a vegetarian. 

For the most part, this time went WAY better than before.  I felt like I was doing myself a favor and helping myself by going vegetarian, instead of restricting myself like I had been previously.  This time I replaced the meat I once ate with more fruits, vegetables, and grains.  I was still eating a good amount of dairy and eggs, but at this time, I didn't understand how bad the egg and dairy industries are.

Eventually, though, I did my research.  I watched a ton of undercover slaughterhouse videos that made my stomach turn.  I read countless articles on the impacts of the dairy and egg industry on the environment, our health, and the animals.  My eyes were opened wide to the steps my ice cream took to get to my bowl.  And finally, I went vegan and realized that I didn't need eggs for breakfast {I could get my high protein kick-start elsewhere}, I didn't need mayonnaise on my sandwich {hummus is way better anyway}, I didn't need cheese on my pizza {it might sound weird, but give it a try!}, and I did not need that ice cream {um, hello So Delicious Cookie Dough ice cream}.

It may sound silly, but I feel so good about the decision to go vegan.  I feel like, for the most part, that is what helped me in my recovery.  Oh, sure, I have my darker times, but I am much more able to recognize that what I am thinking is not healthy and I am able to eat a big, yummy salad and know that what I am putting into my body is not bad.  Eating is not bad.  I shouldn't feel guilty for putting healthy, vibrant food into my body to nourish it. And neither should anyone else {yes, even you.}

What is the moral of my story, you ask?  It is to do what you are doing for the right reasons.  When I first went vegetarian, I did it for all the wrong reasons, and it didn't stick {and not only that, but I felt worse than ever.  I think my ED and depression/anxiety were at their worst around that time.}

My advice is to reflect on the choices you are making.  Are they hurting anyone or anything?  Think about the animals, the planet we live in, your friends and your family who love you dearly, and yourself.  You have your one beautiful body.  In the words on one very intelligent unknown person who has been quoted by many, many others including myself right now,

If you do not take care of your body, where will you live?

Whew, I think that's long enough for now.  I will leave you all with this video I found of the glorious Chris Pratt getting rapter-pranked by some Polish guy.


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