Being back home+Vegan Fest highlights!+ Gestation Crates

9:08 PM

I'm baaaaaaack

How is everyone?

So, I'm back home with my family for two weeks and it's really great.  There are so many vegany things here that aren't up at school at all.  Like Vegan Fest!!!

This year was the third year that my brother and I have been going and it was PACKED! I'm stoked about the growing number of attendees!  But jeez was the wait for food atrocious.

Food I had {all Vegan obviously}

  • Gluten Free Mac & Cheese 
  • Rib Tips
  • Espresso Oreo Soy Ice Cream
  • And, uh so many other goodies!  Seriously, it was all so amazing and the best part is...
 It's so freeing to go to a place and not have to question the contents of my food.

All in all, it was an amazing time full of wonderful like-minded people eating delicious cruelty-free treats!
Unfortunately, I will not end this blog post on a happy note.

One of the tables had a Gestation Crate Challenge {when one of the girls running the stand told me about it, I thought she said Grapefruit Challenge and I was like, sweet, I love grapefruit...}

Here is a video about the Challenge

I was only in the crate for a minute.  For reference, I am 5'2" and about 115-120lbs and there was absolutely no way I could turn around or move much at all.  Side-to-side, that was it.  When I was in there, I was speechless, but as soon as I came out, I burst into tears.

They give you the opportunity to write a message to the pork industry, but at the time I didn't know what to say so I would like to take this opportunity to speak my feelings in poem form {this poem is in its raw form-unedited because I don't care too much if it sounds good...I want it to convey how I feel at this moment; shocked, confused, heart-broken}

Not able to communicate with words,
I felt the metal bars close me in,
cold on my bare skin.
unable to move, to turn around, to face my fate.

10 seconds.
But you, you like that, don't you?  
You don't want to see the terror in the eyes of all the pigs you secure into those crates.

20 seconds.
Locked in, no way to run.
Nowhere to run to
You hear their frantic squeals, their pleas for help
but do you listen?

There are unidentifiable sounds around but my only focus is on the pressure of the bars against my stomach and back 
and the light brushes of steel on my shoulders every time I try to move


60 Seconds.
And the bars are open and I am freed

but for all those living, breathing, feeling, suffering pigs

freedom is a warm oven
and smiles on the faces of their dinner guests.

Me in the crate right before my release
Wish I could end on a better note, tonight, but I think it is important for us all to really reflect on the needless suffering of others.

Maybe next time I can write a happier post..

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