Legs and new blog format

9:04 PM

Since it was the first day of summer vacation, I decided to start a newish lifting program.  Because of my class schedule, I was only lifting 3x a week. But now that all I have to do is work, I'll have more time to focus on progressing on my lifts! yay!  So today was Day 1 of my 6-day split.  It was "medium lower-body + hamstrings and abs"
My Monday Funday Routine:
-Warm Up: walking to the gym ~1 mile.
{10 Donkey Kicks, 10 Straight-Leg Dead-lifts, 5 rep squats with bar. Repeat this twice to activate glutes and hamstrings.}
-Squats: 6 sets, 3-5 reps with 80% 1RM
{I ended up doing 3-4-4-3-3-4 reps @ 120lbs}
-4 sets of 5-7 reps Straight Leg Dead-lifts
{I did them from a deficit @75-85lbs}
-4x20 cable side crunches
{20 reps each side=1 set.  I increased weight each set by 5lbs}
-2x10 Natural Glute-Ham raises
{It's an awkward movement, but you REALLY feel it in your hammies and calves}
-Burnout: 2x8 rounds of Tabata on Stair Master
{For any readers who don't know what Tabata is, you can find a great description and brief history here, but basically, it's when you work hard for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds and repeat 8 times}

This took about an hour and, because of my sweet Garmin and the heart rate monitor, I found out that I burned roughly 500 cals {including the ~1 mile walk back home}

The last thing I wanted to talk about quickly was the new blog format.  I thought, maybe if it had a sick new look, I will blog more.  Only time will tell if this works.

Oh also, in a few months {or whenever the BF gets the heck out of the house} I'm gonna start vlogging.  I don't have a cool camera or a fancy smart phone, so laptop it is. Unfortunately, I think it might lag...like, a lot...

Well tata for now. I'm gonna watch Big Fish with S


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