Workout Wednesday!! + computer issues

6:20 PM

I like the title...maybe I'll do some themes each day...hmm

So today was a heavy lower body day.  I did:

  • Set 1: 5x1 @ 135lbs
  • Set 2: 3x3 @ 120lbs
  • Set 3: 3x5 @ 105lbs
Assistance Exercises
  • Back Lunges: 20 each leg w/ 50lbs
  • Curtsy Lunges: 20 each leg w/ 50lbs
I had to cut the workout shortish today because I went to the gym after work so I had my car and, because parking isn't free, I didn't feed the meter enough change..oh well

Well, I was gonna post pics of what I ate today but {surprise, surprise}  my laptop camera doesn't work.  It's just a black screen.  If anyone knows how to fix this problem, pleeeeaaaase do let me know!!

So, I'm just gonna end the post here so I can dick-around on the web, and eat some nana ice cream!!!

ba-bye er' body!

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