Friday fitday + borked internet + Dinosaurs!!

12:25 PM

Hey there!

TGIF amirite??

What do you all have planned for the weekend?  There's nothing super special going on here. Tomorrow I am volunteering at the Farmer's market.  There is a vegan stand run by one of the most amazing groups of people I've ever met! It's my first time volunteering at the summer one and instead of having it inside of a middle school, it will be outside, downtown. Hopefully the weather will be nice, it's been so rainy here.  I do like the rain, though..

Whelp, internet is all janked up.  But I was able to take a few snazzy pics with my morning smoothie:

 I don't know if you can tell, but the glass was pretty big. Like the size of my head.  And I didn't take a picture of it {because I dove right in}, but it was filled to the brim.  This smoothie was a peach cobbler smoothie:
  • frozen bananas or raw bananas
  • frozen peaches
  • vanilla 
  • cinnamon
  • oats {makes it thick and creamy!}
  • water {or other liquid}
  • raisins or dates
I purposely did not put any quantities because everyone tastes things differently, so I'll leave it up to you to decide how much of each you want in there.  But, just blend it all up and enjoy! Yum!

S, and some friends and I went to see Jurassic World last night @ was okay, but Chris Pratt...I'm telling ya...oh man..

So I'm just about to go to the gym. Today is light squats with a booty emphasis:
4x5-7 @ 105lbs 
Weighted Bridges 
3xAs Many As Possible
Straight Leg Deadlifts
3x8-12 each leg
Flutter kicks on bench
6x 8-12 each leg w/ 10 sec break in between

Then, if time permits, I'm gonna end Mountain Climbers on the Treadmill

Alright, time for me to head out.

I'll probably talk later, who knows..
Stay true, stay vegan :)

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