Vegan and Fitness Youtubers MY FAVES

7:28 PM

Oh why hello. Didn't see you there...

Sorry I've been MIA for a few days.  I went home to visit family for a night and the days leading up to it were packed.  Plus, I just haven't really had any ideas for blog posts...
That's something that I struggle with.  I always start things, but never finish {or never continue beyond a week}, mostly because I just don't find my life very exciting.  But maybe the problem is {or really, the solution is} to make my life more exciting.  I need to venture out! I need to try new things and meet new people!

So, I'm asking any of you who are reading, please, introduce yourselves! Tell me something about you; Are you vegan? Are you not? What kind of music do you listen to? Are you a student? What do you do/want to do for a living?  Have any pets? Tell me something interesting about you!

Alright, so I decided to talk about  youtubers that I like.  In alphabetical order:

40 Below Fruity
Ali Kamenova
Bite Size Vegan
Emily from BSV is one out of two youtubers that I would cry in front of if I met them.  I idolize this woman! She has a way of speaking about veganism that I could never manage,  Here is a link to her About BSV video and here is a video of her being subjected to branding like so many animals are.  Also this is a link to her personal art website.  I actually just found this today.  It's NSFW, so be warned.  Most of it is very sexual, but I personally enjoy art like that.  It's full of expression.  I mean, the human body is a beautiful thing so why not show it off?
CarbedUp VeganMuscle
A fantastic channel for those who are heavy into weight lifting and want the tools needed in order to build muscle and strength on a vegan diet {but, really, the "vegan" part doesn't matter.  If you are consuming a varied vegan diet with sufficient calories an working ass in the gym, you'll be building strength}
Christine Salus
Christine is a High Carb Low Fat Raw Vegan and posts What I Eat vids along with A TON of HIIT workouts {one of my absolute favorite types of workouts!}
Eco-Vegan Gal
Whitney from E-VG is the second youtuber that I would make me cry if I met them! She has been vegan for over a decade, which is amazing! {Someday, someday...} She posts videos on how to save money on a vegan diet, how to be eco-conscious and how to be conscious of what you are putting on to your body in the form of makeup, clothes, soap, etc.  Great channel!
Fitness Blender
Daniel and Kelly are a married couple and the founders of Fitness Blender.  The channel compromises of any and every type of workout you can imagine! There are over 200 workout videos ranging from just a few minutes to an hour and a half.  Highly, HIGHLY recommend them!
FullyRaw Kristina
Happy Sexy Healthy
Kino Yoga
Kino is an accomplished yogi and my number one flexibility inspiration
Megan Elizabeth
Okay, I guess I may cry if I met Megan as, I cry a lot...She is, like Christine, a HCLFRV, but doesn't stress about it like many people in the Raw Vegan community. She seems like an amazing person and very down to earth and I would love to one day meet her!
Millionare Hoy
Psyche Truth
Raw Vegan Not Gross
Tara Stiles
Vegan Black Metal Chef
I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but when it comes to music, metal is my favorite.  Now, I don't listen to too much Black Metal {as Folk and Death Metal are my favorites}, but this channel is pretty sick! VBMC is a great channel for those who are vegan or transitioning and are missing  their old favorites.
Yoga by Candice
Yoga with Adriene
My favorite yoga channel. Adriene is funny and sweet and her videos are really great for both beginners and more advanced practitioners.

Well, because that was way longer than I anticipated, I'll stop here even though I'm a bit gabby tonight...I think my plan for the rest of the night is to watch a few youtube vids, do a bit of yoga {I'm working on my headstands!}, write, then go to beddybye..

Until next time,

stay true, stay you, stay vegan

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