Can You Be VEGAN in COLLEGE??! Part 1: Meal Plans and Dorm Life

9:59 AM

Hey FiT VeGaNs!!

For those of you who are not vegan, do you ever wonder what it's like to be vegan in college? Or for those of you who are getting ready for college and are vegan {or transitioning to veganism} and wanna know what it's like to be vegan in college, then THIS is the blog post for you!

I've been vegan all throughout my college education.  I started at a Tech school where I lived at home for two years and then transferred to the University I'm at currently, so I have a mixed range of knowledge about being vegan; from living at home with my parents to living in the dorms to living on my own.

For the sake of length, I've split this post into two parts {each with a coordinating video}  This one is all about meal plans!

In this post, I will list each State college and provide a very brief synopsis of what I have found in my research for their meal plans and meal options.

University of Alabama:  They have a Special Diet Accommodation Form that it seems someone can write down all the things they cannot eat. They also list people to contact for questions regarding dietary restrictions.  Meal plans are required for Freshman.
University of Alaska:  They have a PDF for a catering menu, which I think is the same for their regular menu?  Oh, and it have VEGAN options!!!
University of Arizona: This is a list of all the lil restaurants that this University offers.  They seem to have a good mix with vegan options readily available.
University Arkansas: At the very bottom of this page, they have a note about who to contact for vegetarian diets, so I'm assuming it's the same for vegan ones.
University of California: I didn't find much about meal plans, but here is a lil article about Brown's cafe': "It will be the only eatery on campus with a “plant forward” food experience, where meals are 50 percent plants, 25 percent grains and 25 percent protein. That dietary balance also recognizes the environmental degradation that comes from animal production"  yaaaaaas!!
University of Colorado: There are vegan options at UC Boulder, just check out the link here!
University of Connecticut: UCONN lists who to contact here for more info on dietary restrictions University of Delaware:  Wellness Education Link provides students with wellness education
University of Florida: The University of Florida has over 40 different restaurants students can pick from, so I'm sure there are some vegan options. Maybe linked here?
University of Georgia:
The University of Georgia has the most comprehensive list of vegan options so far.  This link lists all the vegan options from breakfast to dinner.  Really awesome!
University of Hawaii:
I found a couple PDFs of menus that list a couple vegan options.
University of Idaho:
The only thing I found for Idaho is the link stating the number for who to call for inquiries, which is still good!

University of Illinois: They have a restaurant that is strictly vegan, I think, called Soytainly.  They have vegan desserts! Very bottom

University of Indiana: Indiana has a vegan organization! Lucky!  Here is their link to all the vegan dining options.
University of Iowa:
This page lists a few vegan options, some sound really really good like the potato salad with champagne vinaigrette!
University of Kansas:
Here is a list of all of the University of Kansas' menus.  I haven't found anything listing vegan options, though
University of Kentucky:
They have only 3 meals that are vegan, from what I can find, but I'm sure they have lots of fresh greens and fruits, too.
University of Louisiana:
They only have a handful of restaurants, and I couldn't find any menus

University of Maine: one of their restaurants has vegan options!
University of Maryland: They seem to have a good amount of healthy vegan options.
University of Massachusetts: They assure students that there is a vegan station in every dining hall
University of Michigan: They have a filter option so you can customize what dining halls have vegan meals!
University of Minnesota: There is a bunch of crap, like with every college campus, but they have a Freshii, so they're cool by me!
University of Mississippi: Mississippi also has a Freshii and 20 other places to dine!
University of Missouri:
This school walks you through the step-by-step process of getting dietary help and advice for vegans
University of Montana:
I can't believe they actually have a vegan line in each dining hall and filters for a vegan menu.  And they have seitan!!!

University of Nebraska: Vegan options are clearly marked on the menus!!!
University of Nevada: They have a short PDF all for finding vegan and vegetarian options
University of New Hampshire: They have a dietitian that will help with navigating the dining halls.  However, be wary of dietitians, just like doctors, some have been brainwashed to believe that we NEED to eat animal products.
University of New Jersey: Can't find anything that says vegan, however I'm sure they have options.  It's easy to find who to contact to ask.*
University of New Mexico: Again, can't find anything in a very brief search.*
University of New York: They have a dining hall that focuses specifically on vegetarian and vegan cuisine.  Here is a PDF that outlines the dining halls
University of North Carolina: They have a lil blurb about vegan options, which means that they know about veganism and may be able to help those who are curious!

University of North Dakota: When they mention veganism on the website, it says "vegan lifestyle" instead of vegan diet!! Super neat!
University of Ohio: Their dining link is broken...

University of Oklahoma: They have so many different restaurants and eateries that anyone with any type of lifestyle should be able to find something

University of Oregon: They state that the best thing to do is contact whomever is in charge of the dining hall for inquiries.  This is the best advice I could give as well.
University of Pennsylvania: They have a farmer's market!!!
University of Rhode Island: All I could find was something about an Italian night that offers tempeh, so that seems promising!
University of South Carolina: Can't find anything that says vegan, however it oesn't mean that there aren't vegan options.
University of South Dakota: They have a Qdoba and Papa Johns which both have vegan options! {Just hold the meat and dairy!}
University of Tennessee: They are the only school that I've seen so far that has vegan dessert items {mmm brownies!}
University of Texas: They have a pdf that mentions vegan diets, but says something along the lines that a vegan diet may be lacking in essential nutrients, which could be true of course, but someone who eats meat may also be deficient in certain nutrients.

University of Utah: They have a vegan icon that clearly labels all menu items that are vegan.  Very convenient!

University of Vermont: The website states that all dining halls feature vegan options daily!

University of Virginia: They have the same brownies as Tennessee, so that's cool.  They also have faux meats!
University of Washington: The only thing I could find in my very brief search is a link to the vegetarian resource website

University of West Virginia: Couldn't find any marked vegan options.

University of Wisconsin: I'm disappointing in UWM, I thought that they would have more vegan options, but they only seem to have a very small handful. Also, they have a vegetarian icon, but no vegan icon.

University of Wyoming: Something I found was that the website states that they serve vegan options 5 days a week.  Which, of course, is good.  But what about the other two days?  Why can't they serve vegan meals 7 days a week?

*Having trouble finding vegan options?  Search "dining" in your school's navigation bar and more than likely you will find who to contact.

*Most schools have a "special diets section" usually found under the "allergens" or "nutrition" tab

So wtf is my point in all this?!  My point is, no matter what school you go to, you can always ALWAYS find vegan options.  There is no excuse to not be vegan!

**I can't believe I didn't talk about this in the video, but look and see if your school has a vegetarian, vegan, or animal rights club!!!  Or hell, start your own!

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