What's New?

2:55 PM

Hey FiT VeGaNs!

Hope all is well with everyone!

Things are good here!

I have a new WIEIAD video up:

It's always nice being back home because of aaaaaaaaaaaall the scrumdiddlyumptious vegan options!  Oh, and my family, too I guess.

Hmm, there's not much here to update on except...
I got dreads!  Cause why the heck not, right?  They're synthetic {aka no animals were harmed in the making of these bad boys} and besides being crazy scratchy, they're really fun and I like 'em a lot!

Here's a snap Sean took:
Yep...full hippy.

So, if you have any questions on veganism, fitness, or now dreads please send them my way!!


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