What a Vegan Eats

9:14 PM

Hey FiT VeGaNs!

So, I've been down in the dumps lately cause the weathers so nice but I'm not comfortable enough to wear tank tops.  It's actually not a weight issue, though.  I have a skin disorder called Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis which shows up as this very noticeable, very gross looking rash type thing.  Back in middle school {it first showed up right after puberty} the other kids just thought I was really dirty.  They made fun of me, said I needed to go shower.  It didn't help that I lived in a poor neighborhood..

I was on medication for it, but when you stop it {after 3 months} it just comes back.  Aggressively.   It's currently on my stomach, under my breasts, under my armpits, and {most recently} on my back.  It's itchy and unsightly.  I just want smooth skin.

I just bought vitamin A drops that I'm going to mix with coconut oil and apply as a moisturizer.  Honestly, I don't have high hopes, but apparently this has helped some people.  I'm gonna try the more natural stuff before going to a dermatologist because I just know that they'll throw meds right at me and I don't want that.  But, it's gonna be either get used to the skin I'm in, or be on medication for it so...

I'll update after a few weeks of Vit.A.  Ugh, veganism as been such a blessing for me, but it hasn't cured this...

Any who, there's a new video up on the tubes.  I like the WIEIAD vids; they're easy and I like to eat :)

#nofilter.  I didn't edit out my skin thing, it's just damn good lighting {thank god!}

Taters made video requests so I've got a few videos up my sleeve for the coming video times...


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