Vlogmas Day 3 -Preachy Vegans

7:36 PM

Happy Thursday everyone!

So, I see a trend happening where I wait till the day of to upload my videos...that's why it is after 7pm and today's video still isn't up.  In fact, I'm still waiting for it it SAVE so I can UPLOAD IT...Soooo I predict it will be up before tomorrow, but probably not till like 10 or 11 tonight.  Oops.   {I don't wanna complain, but DA-AMN this vlogging thing is hard!}
Alright, that's enough of that.

I am not a preachy vegan.

What is my point to this statement?

Well, for starters, no one want's to be called a murderer.
Straight up telling someone that they are the reason for Global Warming or asking if they would slit their own dog's throat just gives vegans a bad name.

One of the things I say in my video is to be careful not to let your passion get in the way of spreading the vegan message.  I think that is a powerful point and something that should be considered.  In the end, all us vegans have the same goal; to save the animals.  So don't drive people away.* 

*I feel like this is going to be a bit of a controversial topic, so if anyone wants me to elaborate, just ask.  I would be happy to.  For now, I need to go study for my French quiz and come up with an idea for tomorrow's video.

Take care xx

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  1. I have never felt that you were preachy at all! :) Also, I found a bunch of Action for Animals stickers in one of my drawers and I'm going to stick them all over Madison tomorrow.


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