No Vlogmas #5 TODAY...

9:52 PM

Because of interweb issues.

However I'm hoping the problem will soon be fixed so I can come out with TWO videos tomorrow!  Oh happy days!

My lil bro and I went to see Krampus today.  I'd give it a 6.7 out of 10.

It was entertaining, but for being a horror-comedy it was neither that funny nor that scary.
But some stuff was pretty cool.  Like, I thought the animation and costuming was nice, plus, I mean...Adam Scott ;)

{From Boy Meets World}
My brother and I stopped off at our local co-op to grab some vegan treats to snack on and sneak into the theater. Cause I mean come on, $5 for a package of candy, really movie theater?!
Well, Jei ended up getting Sour Patch Kids from the theater anyways cause that's his favorite candy and they didn't have any at the co-op.
What did we get?
Like I said, Jei got Sour Patch Kids, which some may argue are or are not vegan.  I will not do that in this post tonight.  But perhaps in a future post?

Then we got two small bags of Surf Sweets we got the sour worms and gummy bears ones, both are vegan and soooo yummy!!

Lastly my favorite, Earth Balance PB Popps ooooo my these are SO good!!  It's like healthier, peanut buttery Cracker Jacks!!!  Seriously, you HAVE to try these they are SO GOOD!!!

So, does anyone else sneak snacks into the theater?  What's your favorite movie theater snack??

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