Vegan at Home for the Holidays: A Survivor's Tale

8:04 PM

Well, better late than never, amirite?!?!

Christmas is now over and Hanukkah is long passed buuuuut Kwanzaa has just begun so not all is lost.  Plus, if your family is anything like mine then the holiday parties are still going for you, too. Tonight we are celebrating Christmas with my mom's side of the family.  And none of them are vegan.  And almost all of them like to poke fun. At me. For being vegan.

I've gotten asked more times than I can count if it is hard to be vegan.  And the answer is no.  I've gotten asked almost as many times if it is hard to be vegan around the holidays.  Most of the times they are referring to the tempting aromas of cooked flesh and other animal bits.  Well, the answer to that is a no. But, it is hard when it seems like no one around you understand what veganism is and why you are vegan and because they don't understand it, they do not like it.

So, what do you do when you are literally surrounded by vegan-hating meat eaters and you don't wanna starve?Hopefully this rolling tangent of a rant may offer some help :) 

The outline:
-Roll with the punches

-"Do you really wanna debate this now?"  

-Eat w/out 'em


- Potluck-style

-Call ahead

-Check online

-Cross your fingers and hope for at least a damn salad.

Thanks everyone for being there for me and liking my Instagram posts @maggijean_thefitvegan 
and checking out the blog and watching the videos of me ranting.  I really appreciate the support!

“Veganism is not a "sacrifice." It is a joy.”   
-Gary L. Francone

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