Putting yourself out there

3:40 PM

I told my first person about this blog the other day which means...
whew, had to get that over with!

Basically, I have been struggling with putting myself out there.  I was hesitant to tell my friend about the blog, maybe for fear of judgement, but in the end, she had nothing but kind words for me.  And even if she didn't, even if she really hated the blog {and if you are reading this, I would like you to tell me!}, that would be okay.  We can have dissimilar interests and still be bffs.

To get to the point, I would like to touch on the topic of putting yourself out there.

Do you have a passion for something? Writing, drawing, painting, singing...Do you have ideas worth sharing? {You do, btw.}

Then share your passions with the world! Share your knowledge!
Why?  Well, I think this is an important skill for everyone to possess.  Have a blog you are unsure about sharing?  Share it!  What about a vlog, or a story you wrote, or a poem, a song, a painting? What about a thought or an idea? Share them!  Obviously, you must filter what you have to say or show people to the specific audience, but you will never let your ideas be known or let your work shown if you don't put yourself out there.

Lastly, here is a little bit of a snippet for you all...It's my vlog intro..

Not half-bad, right? 

Ugh, there is so much more on my mind, but I will save that for another time :)


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