{embarrassingly} Sweaty Sundays + An extention of yesterday's post

3:28 PM

Welcome to Sweaty Sundays! Where we can talk about, you guessed it: sweat! 
Read about some of the benefits of sweating here. I would also like to add that the most important benefit of {exercise-induced} sweating is that you are contributing to greater health, longevity, and happiness.  Go you!

The reason I wanted to post about sweating, though, is because something pretty embarrassing happened to me on my run today.  Here are two pictures of the unfortunate event:


Nope, I didn't pee my pants...that, dear readers, is sweat.  Ah, yes a very healthy, very common, natural occurrence made me look like I wet myself thanks pores.

 I realized it about half-way through my workout and guess what?!  I did not stop!  Just a few short years ago, I would have immediately run home crying {and probably getting a good workout in that way...}  It's comforting to think that I've grown enough that now, although I looked like

I am confident enough to finish my workout.  If people who I will never see again think I pissed my pants, then So What?! Let 'em.

Which brings me on to the continuation of yesterdays post of So What Saturday.

I just wanted to clarify that I was in no way advising anyone to throw caution to the wind and eat whatever they want all the time.  I gave the example of eating animal products.  This is what I would like to expand on.  I am not telling people to eat animal products.  What I am merely saying is, if you do, if for some reason you "slip up" and you feel so guilty about it that you are tearing yourself up inside, just shrug it off.  We are all human.  We all make mistakes.  Every so often I will accidentally eat something with dairy in it like something mislabeled vegan or something at a restaurant that, even though I specified no butter, please, they still put butter on. 

A vegan diet is the ultimate diet for health, the planet, and the animals.  The facts are there {and will be here on this blog in a few posts time}, but if you slip, don't give a shit.  It's a good thing that you are feeling "guilty" it means that, in your heart, you know that it is wrong.  But don't worry too much about it. It will all be okay.


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