Update on last post + New lifting PR on possibly irrelevant and useless lift!

5:43 AM

Hey guys!  It is 7:00am right now and I just checked my levels: 95.  Which is high.  Anything below 99 is supposed to be in the clear, but I feel like 95 is way too close to 99 to be okay.

I scheduled a blood test for tomorrow at 3:20, so I will post the results when I get them {probably next week sometime.}

Alright, on to the fun stuff now!

I implemented Rack Pulls into my workout yesterday.  For anyone who doesn't know, this bad boy is a rack pull:

There is nothing to it, really. It's like half a deadlift.  A lot of people seem to hate on them, but I really liked how they felt.  It killed my glutes! Is that normal?  Anywho I did, as this Squat Challenge often requires, 2 sets of 10; 2x5; 3x3; and 3x1.  And I got up to...
I was holding it with an overhand grip and it actually slipped out of my hands it was so heavy!  I felt super proud.

A trainer at the gym then approached and, because him and his client wanted to use the rack, helped my unload the weights.  He was like, "Here, let me get the last one for you.  Not that you're not a lifter.."  Typing this out makes it sound super sarcastic, but trust me, it was genuine and really nice to hear!

Well, I'm gonna go workout quick, eat breakfast, then work for just an hour.  Then, for some reason, S wants me to come to Bdubs with him and some friends but ugh I don't wanna go!  There is literally nothing there.  I guess I could get some lettuce?  Maybe I'll just go for the company..

Well, I'll update you all on my levels later, and maybe some other stuff too

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