New *WORKOUT* video uploaded + all the fun behind-the-scenes stuff

1:37 PM

Welp, I did it! I finally recorded a workout video!  This post is going to be all about the trials and tribulations associated with the video and its filming!


First off, I must apologize for the terribly dark footage.  I even set up two lamps in which I took the shades off thinking it will brighten up the room; nope.  Also, and this almost made me delete the video entirely; the shakiness.  UGH the shakiness during the Up&Out Jacks and High Knees.  For some reason, my camera just decided to nope the f outa there with those two. Besides that unfortunate crap, I am really happy with this video.  Is it perfect? Absolutely not.  It's not bright and cheery like a lot of my favorite workout videos.  But for my first, it's not too shabby.

What I realized whilst watching myself workout:
  • I get out of breath real quick.  Cassey Ho I am not.  
  • I needa do something with my hair cause its lookin real silly
  • I love my leggings {got 'em from Donna Jo Fitwear}
  • When I move into my new place {less than a week! So excited!} I will need to have a kickass workout area!
  • I said Crab Dicks {and I refuse to apologize!}
Here is the list of all the moves in the video {4 rounds of 8-9 exercises, 45sec on, 15sec off}:
-3 Crab Dips + 4 Kicks
-Jumping Lunges
-Lizard Hops
-2 Jumps+Knee
-Right Front Kick+Back Kick
-Left Front Kick+Back Kick
-Up&Out Jacks
-High Knees
-Jumping Jacks
-Squat Thrusts
-Right Lunge Knee Jump
-Left Lunge Knee Jump
-Pop Squats
-Up Up Down Downs
-3 Punches+Kick
-Skater Jumps
-Right Side Lunge+Curtsy
-Left Side Lunge+Curtsy
-Tricep Pushups
-Right Bridge Pulse In&Outs
-Wide Pushups
-Left Bridge Pulse In&Outs
-Dive Bombers
-Pulse Squats
-Butterfly Situps
-Bicycle Crunches
-Back Squeezes
-Alt.Jacknife Crunches
-Plank Knee Crosses
-Back&Butt Squeezes
-Elbow Plank Dips
-Stretched Plank 

Now, I'm gonna go workout.
Talk at you all later!

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