Yikes! Long time, no see...getting back into school schedule

8:42 AM

Well hey there! It's been a while..I guess I've either been too busy or {gulp} too lazy to post..

Anyway, I'm back at school now as of last night and am going to the gy in about 30 mins. Haven't been to the school's gym in months..I'm excited! We're blessed here with a HUGE, wonderful gym!
Unfortunately, there's no classes going on since it's still Winter Break..guess I'll have to get creative and do my own workout.  I'm thinking some cardio {intervals on the treadmill} followed by lots and lots of lunges/squats/ab workout.  I really need to be able to do better side planks.

So, I'm snacking on some dates, trail mix, and carob chips to give me some much needed gym energy.

When I come home I'm thinking of making some soup and having a rice cake with hummus


a green smoothie!!  Oooh, yeah, probably that one..mhmm

Alright, I'm gonna go get ready! Hope to talk to you guys soon!

Bye :)

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