Back to school home + ranting + morning hour of activity

1:37 PM

Hey guys!

So I'm FINALLY posting after being back here {school home} for a week. oops..

Well, I'm trying to get back in the swing of things and get on a good workout/eating schedule.  I don't rigorously plan things and I'm pretty good at listening to my body, but I do like to have a bit of an outline to follow {workout at least 4x a week, fruit for snacks, dinner salad, what to bring when I need to eat at work, etc..}  This keeps my accountable.

Okay, feel free to skip this chunk of nonsense and get to today's workout, but I really must vent:
So, it's not new that my computer webcam is does thing thing where it will work for a couple days then just stop working and tell me it's disabled {...}.  I wanted to record a video about my workout today but, whatdoyaknow, I couldn't.  I know, I know, I really need to get some sort of Smart Phone or video camera but Do You Know How Much Those Cost?!  I guess I'm just stuck blogging old-school.


And lastly {finally..} the workout:
I woke up today raring to GTFOside, so I threw on these super cute shorts that I got from Dona Jo Fitwear.  I wish I could show you guys which ones I have, but they don't make 'em anymore and my webcam isn't working. Super bummer.  Anyway, the leggings are really high quality and for the most part not super see-through.  I wouldn't wear big black undies with bright-colored ones, though.  And when you bend, they do get a bit stretched so it's easier to see whats underneath, but they come in such cute colors and patterns that I have accepted it.  I've weight-lifted in them, run in them, done yoga in 'em, and worn them just for fun {and style points}. They're great! So, I slipped them on, plugged in my tunes, chugged some lemon water with a tbs of chia seeds and was out the door.  I jogged about a mile and a half and stopped at this field outside my school's Rec Center where I did a quick HIIT workout {the gym is closed weekends in the summer, otherwise I would have went inside}
  • 10 Jumping Lunges
  • 5 Box Jumps {on knee-high bench}
  • 10 Bench up-and-overs
  • 5 Pushups
  • 5 Dips
Repeated this sequence 3-4 times and jogged back home.

In total, it took me 1hr and 20mins {including the time I took to stretch at the end} and my Garmin HR monitor said I burnt 812 calories, so that's neat.

I showered and made a Cherry Chocolate smoothie for S and I  of:
  • Bananas
  • Kale
  • Frozen cherries
  • Oats
  • Cacao powder
  • Chocolate BodyLogix vegan protein powder
  • Water
It was thick and creamy and delicious!

Well until next time,
Stay True 
Stay You 
Stay Vegan

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