I'M A PUSHER + What I am in the process of doing

6:29 PM

 Hey everyone!

I thought I would touch on a topic that is..uncomfortable for a lot of people.  And that topic is pushing yourself.

It is so beneficial to push yourself, that is how we will grow.  We cannot lie dormant in our comfort zones forever, always being content and "fine" with life.  There is a whole wide {new} world out there, full of brand new things for us all to experience.  Push yourself to do something different.  This could be taking a new fitness class at the gym, cutting out meat and dairy, switching from machines to free-weights, or even just adding more perfectly sweet and ripe fruit to your day.  Whatever the change is, do it!

Oh sure, you may be uncomfortable at times.  But with discomfort comes strength.  Maybe, right now, you can reflect on something in your life that you've been interested in but have yet to experience.  I know for me, it is writing more and more on this blog and starting a youtube channel; just getting more involved in the vegan and fitness communities.  I'm kinda terrified to put myself out there, but I feel like I have knowledge and advice and experiences to give, and hopefully I, too, can learn from others.  So, we must find the courage that is in ourselves and take the plunge!  In the wise words of Shia LeBeouf:


Right now, {like, literally at this very moment} I am in the process of starting a youtube channel!! Yay!  For some reason, the hardest part right now is finding a name {oh and editing the videos and such..}.  Should I go by TheFitVegan?  Should I change it?  Ah, decisions, decisions {fun fact: it took me so much longer than it should have to figure out how to spell decisions..}

Well, hopefully you all learned something from Shia LeBeouf today, I know I did :)

Until next time, friends
Stay True
Stay You
Stay Vegan 

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