Gym Etiquette...Gymtiquette + Absolutely Killing a Workout

12:55 PM

Hey guys!

I was at the gym the other day and I was trying to Super-Set Leg Extensions and Decline Situps buuuuuut I couldn't.  This guy was sitting on the Leg Extension machine dickin around on his phone in between each set.  Not only that, but he would spit out 2-5 reps of extensions and then go back to diddling for MINUTES.  Eventually, he finished doing what he was doing and got up and actually wiped his seat down, so that was cool.  After he left, I walked over there to do my thing and saw that he had 50lbs racked {which, for anyone who has never used this machine, it's not a lot}, but maybe he was nursing an injury or something. Who knows.  

 The point to all my rambling is if you are an inconsiderate butt hole at the gym, I will write a blog post about you.

The same day, though, I had one of the best workouts ever!

Does anyone else ever have those days where you just absolutely crush a workout?  I made sure to really focus on each movement and get my mind-body connection going and it was amazing.

I was feeling so good that instead of heading straight home I sat by the river and read for a bit.  It was really nice!

Speaking of reading, I just started Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy.  The language is pretty dense, but its good so far :)

Oh and one more thing...this week is MELON week at my local grocery store so I've been eating a bunch of different types of melons for breakfast all week and it is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!

Alrighty, I'm gonna go put some insoles in my shoes and then go for a run :)

Till next time
Stay True
Stay You
Stay Vegan

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