Some thoughts on cravings and a blurb on my current workout situation

8:32 PM

Well, first of all; cravings are absolutely ridiculous!
Currently, the things I am craving are whole wheat ritz crackers and sweets{because they are here, in the house beckoning me to eat them}.  For a while I was snacking on dark chocolate chips {that were delicious} and, I must point out, I didn’t feel guilty at all! Now that I’m home for winter break, I feel like I’m snacking more than I would if I was back at school, usually to the point of feeling uncomfortably full {my status currently}
Now, I love snacking, I think it’s great, but ONLY when what I am snacking on is nourishing my body.

My snacking can lead to cravings if what I’m snacking on is processed junk food.  Sugar, salt, and fat is addictive and once your body gets some it wants more and More and MORE.  And because I, personally, have an addictive personality, I let my cravings get the best of me and I usually give in to the excess amount of salt/sugar/fat that I don’t really need.
So I decided to try a little something; I am challenging myself RIGHT NOW to not give in to junk food cravings for four weeks. Starting this very second {Dec 17th} to 28 days later {Jan 17th}.-lolz @ that movie.

I heard that it takes 21 days to form a habit. But, because I’m an extremist, why not just one more week…?
So, I am declaring now that I, TFV, will only snack on fruits and veggies for 28 days because I care about myself- and I am genuinely curious if I can.

whew. so, like the title suggests, I also wanted to touch on what I currently do for workouts. Well, I am an avid POPster thanks to Cassey Ho of Blogilates.  If you don’t know who she is or what she does you should figure it out because it is amazing! Her POPhiits are KILL-ER and make you feel SOOO good afterwards.

More on this later, now I have to go be productive on Reddit.


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