A little bit about me-TFV

8:27 PM

I thought maybe I’d post a bit about myself before I start getting into all the other things I wanna talk about. Why not, right? I usually like reading about people…

So, like I mentioned in the first post, I’ve done blogs before, but they never stuck. I think this one will; it contains the things that I am the most passionate about; veganism, health, and fitness.

I’ve struggled with Eating Disorders, Depression, Anxiety, etc. etc. etc..and found veganism through trial and error in high school. For all the wrong reasons.  At first, it was a means to lose weight; if I stopped eating meat and dairy, I would be thin. Needless to say, it didn’t last long. And before I knew it, I was scarfing down some ice cream, silently cursing myself till I got to the bottom.

But then, after I had begun to recover {more on that in another post, probably}, I did research on slaughter houses and animal cruelty and I decided to become a vegetarian.  Eventually, after about a year, I decided to make the jump to becoming vegan and it was the best decision of my life. Because this time, I did it for all the right reasons.

As for my fitness journey: I work out to keep my mind in shape, first and foremost. It keeps me sane and helps with my depression and anxiety {SO much better than any anti-depressant}.  Next, I exercise to keep my body fit.  Being overall healthy is extremely important to me, not losing weight. Sometimes I need to explain that to myself. I think the Eating Disorders will always be with me, as will the self-ridicule, but it’s getting better {way better}, and I honestly owe it to becoming vegan. Hands-down.  If I hadn’t done that, I would have never started this fitness journey and I wouldn’t be at the point I am today.

So I guess that’s it for now, I think I’ll do another little bio some other time when it’s not so late and  my eyes won’t be forcing themselves shut…
Good night :}

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