Can't it be tomorrow already?!

6:39 PM

I am SO excited for tomorrow!! I've planned a SUPER intense workout after my shift at work and for some reason I'm really looking forward to it!
Maybe it's cause I haven't really worked out in 2 days..laziness got the best of me {more like Supersize vs. Superskinny..}.

So, for anyone who wants the workout ere is the link:
Here's the workout
I'm tweaking it a bit because I wont have a timer, so I'm doing 20-20-40-15-10{each leg}-40-20-40 of each move respectively and ending with a CARDIO BLAST of not the stair climber but of a kettlebell/burpee pyramid. I'll be doing 1 KB swing and 1 burpee, then 2 KB swings and 2 burpees, then 3, then 4, up to 10, then back down. It's a grand total of 100 KB swings and 100 burpees I believe..

Today I made eggplant!! I've only made eggplant once, in a chickpea and eggplant soup and I remember it being really good. But today, I wanted to make a sort of eggplant Parmesan {sans Parm cheese}. So I rubbed coconut oil {benefits of THAT in another post..} on slices about 1inch thick, along with some dried oregano and basil and threw it a 400 degree oven {literally, I was so excited} for about 10 mins each side, then put a dollop of marinara sauce on each piece and threw it back in the oven for another 5 mins.
I served this on top of rice and it was delicious!!  I will definitely make again!!

My mom's been in the hospital since the 7th of December. She has to be on Warfarin and I guess she kept forgetting to take it so she had multiple strokes that weekend. She's doing well now, but it was scary for a while. But she's coming home Tuesday {at least that's what they tell us..} so I'm thinking of making her dinner  Problem is everything she eats either has to have dairy or meat...but she can suffer just this once ;)

The bf and I are doing xmas presents tomorrow..all I know is he got me things from the good 'ol interwebs AND even braved the mall to get me something else..which is very uncharacteristic of him.
And to think, I just got him an electric toothbrush and some Reese's PB cups...
Unfortunately being almost completely broke puts a damper on xmas shopping. I feel like shit, but rent > presents. Sorry, family..

Well, that's enough for tonight. Ya get me talking and I just cant stop..


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