NEW Brutal Burpees Workout VIDEO!

12:12 PM

Hei FiT vEgAnS!!!

I just uploaded a new workout video for anyone who wants an awesome HIIT workout without equipment, lots of time, or lots of space.

During this 30 min Burpee Burnout, you will burn anywhere from 260 to 400.

Factors that determine the number of calories burned:
-your weight
-your height
-how much muscle/fat you have
-workout duration
-how hard you worked

So for example, someone who is my size {5'2.5" and about 120lbs} burns about 10-12 calories a minute doing INTENSE exercise like this video.  Thus, I burn roughly 300-360 calories.

Also, you may take into account that HIIT workouts like this one will have a relatively significant after-burn.  However, do not consider the after-burn to be an excuse to be sedentary and eat shit all day; the after-burn will only be about 50 extra calories for the day-but it still is 50 calories you didn't burn before.

You burn more calories the taller you are and the more you weigh {kind of a given} but you also burn more calories the harder you work!  Each burpee is only done for a total of 40 seconds so PUSH YOURSELF and reap the rewards!

Tabata-Style: 20sec on, 10sec off x 2 for each burpee {or 4 if you want to make it an hour}
-1/2 Burpees
-Pushup Burpees
-Burpee Squat Holds
-Tuck Jump Burpees
-Burpee Kicks
-Missionary Pushup Burpees
-Pike Pushup Burpees
-Long Jump Back and Forth Burpees
-Plank Knee-In Burpees
-Plank Leg Lift Burpees
-Breakdance Burpees
-Plank Jack Burpees
-Right Leg Burpees
-Left Leg Burpees
-Squat Jump Burpees
-Jump Lunge Burpees
-Side Twist Burpees
-Wide Pushup Burpees
-Curtsy Lunge Burpees
-Jumping Jack Burpees
-High Knee Burpees
-Side to Side Burpees
-Around the World Burpees
-Rolling Ball Burpees
-Slow Burpees
-Right Arm Burpees
-Left Arm Burpees
-Side Lunge Burpees
-Double Thigh Slap Burpees

WELL, YOU DID IT!!!  Hope you all have a new found appreciation for burpees {lolz, yeah right!}

If you like this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to my youtube channel!! And check out my other social media accounts at:
Insta: @maggijean_thefitvegan


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