A Day in The Life of a Fit Vegan

7:29 PM

Hello fit vegans!!

hApPy HuMp DaY!!! Here is a pic of Operation Booty to commemorate this day of hump:


I am procrastinating right now...I should RE-HE-HEALLY be writing my psych paper on the difference in career options of a Master's vs Doctorate in psychology.  But for the love of mangoes I just don't feel like it.  Alas, sometimes we must do things we don't want to do.  But, later of course.

This HuMp DaY morning I chugged about 32oz of water upon waking and played Pocket Morty for like an hour.  I actually woke up early to do this.  Yes, I am an adult.  Then I ate breakfast: VANILLA OATMEAL!!! 3/4c oats cooked with coconut milk topped with a banana, 5 {frozen} strawberries, and a tbs of chia seeds.
After my 2 hour morning class I was off to da gym!!  I was so freakin pumped!  I wrote up a workout last night and could barely sleep I was so excited.  For those who are interested:
Warmed up by jogging 1/2 a mile

Then did a HIIT section, 20sec on, 10sec off 4 times through for each exercise:
Squat Jumps, Burpees, Lateral Jumps, 2 Plank Walks+2 Plank Jacks, 3 High Knees+Jump Squat, Fly Jacks, Mountain Jacks, Squat+Heel Tap, Front and Back Jumps, Plank Jacks+Shoulder Taps, 1 Arm Clean and Press, Pushups, Butt Kickers, Jumping Lunges, Jumping Jacks.
**This section took roughly 35 minutes including water and rest breaks.**

Then I did a very light strength-training section. Each exercise was done for 10 reps, twice through:
Dumbbell Pullovers with 12lbs, Squat and Press with 24lbs, Deadlift and Row with 24lbs, Bridge and Chest Press with 24lbs, Lunge and curl with 16lbs, Ski Squat and Tricep Kickback with 16lbs.
**This section took about 15 minutes.  On its own, this would be a pretty easy toning section, but after that HIIT the mere 24lbs felt like fuckin 50.**

After a trudged my way home, I looked at my Garmin HR monitor and it said I burned over 900 cals!  Not too shabby.
Lunch was a giant bowl of ice cream:
5 bananas, 8 dates, 1-2 tbs cacao powder, splash of vanilla, splash of coconut milk.  SO GOOD!

AND THEN...................dinner time.............................SUSHI!!!!!!!!!!!
I decided F it and splurge.  So I ordered 2 avocado hand rolls, a cucumber hand roll, and an avocado/cucumber/asparagus roll.  HOLY SUSHI it was amazing!!  For all of you who love sushi like I do, ask for them to roll it in a cone shaped hand roll.  This way I feel like you get more bang for your buck.

And that is that. 

I hope you all also ate some delicious vegan food and maybe exercised a bit {exercising your brain counts, too!}

"If you don’t like seeing pictures of violence towards animals being posted, you need to help stop the violence, not the pictures."
Johnny Depp

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