Bowl of Heaven

3:27 PM

Hey FiT VeGaNs!!!

In about 15 mins I'm leaving to meet a friend {HI TAYLOR!!} at Bowl of Heaven where she works.
Let me tell ya'll a bit about this place*

Bowl of Heaven just recently opened up pretty close to where my parents live and what I've heard is that everything they offer can be made VEGAN!! All you have to do is ask for NO HONEY.  They use almond milk and even have dairy-free whip cream! say whaaa???

I've been looking at their website so I can be prepared for when I get there and absolutely everything looks so amazing! Especially their new

Almond Butter Bowl


It does have dark chocolate and granola, but like I said, I heard that everything can be made vegan sooooo...I'm hoping I heard right!

I will edit this post either late tonight or tomorrow morning with pics and my {always honest} opinion of the place but da-amn I'm looking forward to that bowl, yo!

EDIT: Just looked at the prices and they're hella {blech} steep!  That beautiful bowl up there is $13...Like whaaaaaa?  My friend was sweet enough to offer me her discount, but she said with the discount it should be $5 {not that specific bowl, I'm just assuming the "original/basic" one...} so that's rather dissapointing

On the bright side, there is this
Peanut Butter Bowl
that'll have to do.  Still, I am looking forward to this.  Mhmmmm

*Disclaimer: this Blog post was written before I actually went there and I will be back to edit this after I actually eat there

EDIT 2: The Aftermath

Alright, it's the day after my experience at Bowl of Heaven so here is what I think:
I think it's freakin great!

It's a gosh darn hipster paradise ! It's quaint and adorable on the inside and YES everything they offer is vegan {sans ass nectar.}  I ended up getting the PB Bowl and it was divine!  Super creamy, not overwhelmingly peanut buttery, the granola was sweet, nutty, and crunchy, and the bananas were ripe and fresh. 
I got a large cause I thought that was gonna be my dinner, but it ended up not being so the large was way too much.  My point: they don't skimp on sizes like most places do!!

So what do I rate Bowl of Heaven?

I give it a solid 9/10.  What would make it a 10?  I think if it had more seating it would easily be a 10/10, but the seating was a bit cramped.

So will I go back?  You bet your butt I will!  Go there, friends, it's SO MUCH better than any other ice cream place {cause it's not an ice cream place...}

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