The Last of Earthlings Part 5 of 5: Science *Graphic*

4:57 PM

Unfortunately, putting makeup on a bunny to make it look hilarious isn't the extent of animal testing. 

Why do we test everything on animals?
Good question.  First off, animals are here for our own gain.  They give us sustenance and entertainment, and they have been put here to keep us safe from toxins that can blind us and melt our skin off. I mean, it's not like these animals yelp in pain, of course not, that's ridiculous.

My dad actually worked at a place that tested on Capuchin monkeys.  When he would go into clean during "business hours," he said he could tell when they were performing experiments because the monkeys would sound different; they had a higher-pitched, more desperate, more painful cry that still haunts him 30 years later.

You know what animal testing reminds me of? Joseph Mengele {read the part on Human Experimentation.}  And we gasp at the atrocities of that?  But it's totally fine to test on stupid animals.  It's fucking bogus.

I could write so much more about animal testing, but what does that do?  Instead, here are some pictures to serve as proof of the atrocities:

If you want to test cosmetics, why do it on some poor animal who hasn't done anything? They should use prisoners who have been convicted of murder or rape instead. So, rather than seeing if perfume irritates a bunny rabbit's eyes, they should throw it in Charles Manson's eyes and ask him if it hurts. 
Ellen DeGeneres 

Make the right decision.

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