Earthlings Part 4 of 5: Entertainment *Edited to include video clip from Earthlings*

12:05 AM

You hear trumpeting elephants from the other side of the tent practicing, you would assume,  for the upcoming show.  It starts in 15 minutes.  The crowd gathers in the stadium and you follow your parents to the concession stand to grab a hot dog and some cotton candy.  You smother the cylindrical garbage meat in ketchup and make your way to a seat with a good view of where the lions were last year.  Lions are your favorite animal because they are the kings of the jungle, of course.
The lights dim, a microphone turns on somewhere and you hear a voice ask, "Is everyone ready for the show?"  The crowd roars louder than a lion, you think, and you join in the cheering.  One beam of light shines down center-stage.  A man comes out and tells the audience about the show.  "Be sure to stick around till the end," the man says, "for the grand finale."  You clap till your hands are red with anticipation.  A drum rolls.
Those clowns are funny, you think as a male clown and a female clown throw pies in each others faces.  The clowns leave the stage with everyone laughing.  "I bet the elephants are next!" you tell your dad, "We'll see" he responds, smiling back at you.  Sure enough, a line of five elephants appears, all connected trunk to talk.  They circle the stage then each one stands by one of five podiums.  "What are those people doing?" You ask your mother who is sitting on the other side of you.  She tells you that they are there to make sure the elephants follow directions.  You notice black rope in each person's hands so you ask your mom about it.  She tells you that those black ropes are whips and are there just in case.  "Just in case of what?" You questions.  She says, "Just in case the animals don't follow directions."
After the elephants leave, there is a lady who could do crazy things like the splits and then another lady and two guys who did the trapeze, which, Dad said, is when they swing on really tall swings.  "And finally," a voice says, "we are going to need the audience to be extra quiet for the grand finale.  Let me introduce Theodor and his three most spectacular, most stupendous, most amazing lions!"  Your eyes grow wide as three crates are wheeled out.  You can't look away from the male lion with his big flowing mane.  He roars and, because you can't help yourself, you roar back.  The lady behind hushes you, but you barely notice.
The show ends and you jump to your feet clapping and cheering for those brave lions that jumped through those fiery hoops.  You leave the tend after the show ends, "And then when the male lion roared really loud and when they ran around the big cage and then-"
"Look!" your dad says, he points at a few people gathered around some cages.  You run up and stare face-to-face with the male lion.  The lion stares back.  He looks sad, you think and you ask your father if that is where he lives.  Your dad tells you that he's sure the lion does not live in a cage all the time.  Walking away, you turn your head back to look at the lion just one more time.  He has not stopped looking at you with sad eyes.  You tell your parents, "I wish he could live with us."

Okay so that was a little bit longer of a story than I thought it was gonna be...But any who, this post is on the animals of the entertainment industry.  The topic above was, which I hope was understood, the circus.  Now, I loved going to the circus when I was a kid.  My favorite thing at the circus was always the contortionists, actually, second being the elephants.  I was so enamored with how large the elephants were and how people could get them to do all those tricks.

I was not surprised nor shocked with the secrets of circuses that Earthlings brought to light.  More so just saddened.  The trained animals do not learn those cool tricks by rewards, they are not offered treats for performing something like how a dog would after it sits.  Nope, they are punished.  They are whipped and kicked and sometimes cut.  They go without food and water for days sometimes.  They are shackled and chained for 95% of their lives, only "free" from the confines when they are training and performing, so they are never really free.  "Pain is an integral part of the process" a trainer said to someone posed as a person interested in becoming a trainer.  This person was wearing a mic and camera.  The video showed a trainer explaining just how they train the elephants.  He says that you really have to "give it to them" and that in order for them to listen, you want to hit them as hard as you possibly can.  And we are shocked when they retailiate.

One story of retaliation depicted an elephant that broke out of the gates and in its desperate attempt to escape, it injured a few people.  The elephant was cornered and shot dozens of times at point-blank range.  The elephant kept fighting for its life, it wasn't going to give up until it had no other choice than to give up.

What's so wrong with rodeos?  They are only riding the bulls for like 8 seconds max, whats the big deal?  Well, for starters, the bull is not just bucking because it's pissed off, it's bucking because they are making him.  Before the stall gates are open, a tight band is clasped around the bulls testicles, causing them to buck in pain {also because a strange man is on top of them, hel-lo stranger-danger!}

This one is just pure fucking insanity.  They are murdering an innocent living, breathing, feeling creature in front of thousands so slowly and agonizingly and exhaustively.  For sport.

Does fishing not make sense to anyone else?  I just cant wrap my head around luring a fish, stabbing it in the mouth, rubbing it a few times, then throwing it back into the water.  But it's okay because you're throwing it back?  Yeah, with a stab wound in its mouth.  How would you like getting stabbed in the mouth?

Horse racing, dog racing, , ostrich racing, and pigeon bowling.  Who comes up with this shit?

If anyone has any questions or want me to expand on any of my points, please feel free to ask or watch Earthlings for more information.

"All the poor thing wants to do is live" -My friend Abby

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