Earthlings Part 3 of 5:Clothing

8:30 PM

In case you haven't read the last two posts, above is the link to the video I am talking about.

This third section is on clothing.  Do you know where your shirt comes from? {The Mall isn't the correct answer.}  What about those cute boots, do you know what those are made out of?

Throughout this section of Earthlings, I found myself apologizing over and over to the animals screaming as they endured the agonizing torture.  I kept telling them, "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.  I'm so sorry."  But what good does that do besides annoy my poor friend trying to watch the movie with me? 

At one point, Joachim Phoenix {who is narrating} explains that, when the cattle are herded across deserts, they collapse from exhaustion, dehydration, and starvation and in order to get the cattle moving again, they are hit and kicked, their tails are broken, and chilli powder is rubbed onto their eyes.  When the video showed the cattle dropping like flies from exhaustion, the herders {murderers...hurderers-I'm pretty proud of that one} dipped their fingers into chilli powder and stuck them, knuckle deep, into the poor animal's eyes.  Too tired to fight back, the cows barely budged.  What have we become?

I will remind you that leather is flesh, of course, and flesh decomposes.  So how do the leather companies prevent nature from taking its course?  They saturate the flesh in chemicals.  And, because skin is the largest organ of the human body, these chemicals come in contact with our skin.  I don't know about any of you, but I wouldn't douse myself in household cleaners, so why wear something that was soaked in an array of chemicals?

The only part of the entire video where I actually covered my eyes and gasped was when there was a beautiful fox on screen whose head was crushed under the rubber boot of a full-grown man.  Its eyeballs bulged out and it's jaw snapped.  I peeked just long enough to see blood ooze from its mouth.  I am reliving this scene now, I feel a bubbling disgust deep inside me that is making me hate humankind.  Are all people this cruel?  Of course not.  But, the fact that someone is able to do something so vile to a living creature, one that can feel the full weight of the boot press down on its skull, is something that is beyond me. 

So, where do vegans get their clothing, anyway?  Well, you can find all sorts of "faux-leather" and "faux-fur" products usually labeled "synthetic" or "man-made" materials.  Here is a link to a list of stores that carry vegan clothing

I'm going to end on a happier note today: I just got a smartphone!! Yay! Which means I now have Instagram.  Double yay! Unfortunately, I only have one post so far, but I will be adding soon, so don't you worry!! :)
Happy shopping!

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